Monday, June 30, 2008

Good news for "Papaya"

"Papaya" a unique nickname to distinguish him easily after meeting a Super model, "Pancake"in Koh Lipe, Thailand marine island.

My son has finally completed his Diploma studies and is offered to continue his Higher Diploma in the college. Another year to go than his degree. Where to go? Daddy? Do they give scholarship at Swiss college? Try and request was my reply. His uncle mentioned Cornell University. Well, he has a year to try applying . Just pray that there might be some colleges out there that offer scholarship to him. Prices of everything are going up.
Recently, he is back in Penang and is quite sad for all his friends from Chung Ling High school, Penang will be leaving for Universities and hence less gathering. The next sad thing is that he has not eaten all the hawker food before returning to KL. Just to name some: "Loh Mee", "Curry mee". Well, he took "Mai Zee" yesterday. All of us went over to Hatyai, Thailand for two days break and I have to get over certain unhappy incident recently. Well, took them to the local Thai restaurant and ate our favorite food, Tom Yam soup, Pat Si You, Kao Pat, and our long miss ice cream at Swensen, below Lee Garden Hotel.
The most important for him was to get his stationary and he requested a present for being top in the class, an imported technical Pencil.

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