Sunday, October 03, 2010

Food served in this restaurant

A Lamb Soup called Dizi ( in Farsi)
(Farsi is an Iranian word )

1st, take the lamb fat from the hot ceramic bowl which was served to us individually

Put the lamb fat and grind it till it is small and soft.
Note: The soup is inside the Green ceramic jar

Pour all the hot soup from the ceramic bowl into the steel bowl.
Watch out, the soup is really hot

Tear the bread into small pieces into the steel bowl

Ready to be eaten

Start eating together with the remaining lamb and its ingredient in the ceramic bowl

Add some pepper if you wish to have it spicy

Mr. Kang starts eating like this

You could also eat the lamb with the bread too

Mohammed showing us how the bread is eaten. Yum, Yum.....

Mr. Tan showing the extra dish of Lamb Shank with rice that we ordered .

On our flight from Dubai to Tehran, he was so full and tired that he did not eat the supper that was served on the flight. We told him that it was the best lamb dish for the whole journey.
Unfortunately, we were not served that same dish on our flight out from Tehran.

Well. I presumed that he was very happy to eat this lamb dish in this restaurant before our departure.!!!!

A good memorial picture for all of us.

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